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Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum

Review of the Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum

The Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum took place on Feb. 15, 2023, at the Hochschule für Gesundheit in Bochum, Germany. With 18 speakers from 5 countries, 13 sessions and 67 participants, it was a day full of exciting inputs, exchanges and enriching conversations.

The topics were "Urban Green", "Monitoring", "Fair Opportunities and Environmental Justice", "Climate Adaptation", "Urban Mental Health" and "Homelessness". Two to three sessions were offered on each topic area from various presenters. This allowed participants to experience a wide variety of real-world examples. As there was a session in the morning as well as in the afternoon, all participants could visit two topics they were interested in.

During the week, the presenters were able to explore the Ruhr Area for themselves and visit special features such as the Mining Museum and the Gasometer in Oberhausen.

Special thanks to all who enriched this day with their contributions and suggestions. Also to be mentioned those who had a further travel distance and yet were able to share their expertise.

Podcast episodes from Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum

As part of the forum, we were able to interview the experts on their topics in the form of three podcast episodes. The topics are "Mapping Rooftop Farming in Nepal", "A Study of Homelessness and Urban Health in Pakistan" and "Young People´s Expression through Photography in Chile". These can be found below. 

Zu sehen sind die Gäste Dr. Rehana Sherestha von der University of Bremen, Germany, Narayan Thapa vom International Centre of Integrated Mountain Research, Nepal und die Moderatorin Johanna Rolf von der HS Gesundheit, Bochum.
Am 15. Februar 2023 fand an der HS Gesundheit in Bochum die internationale Konferenz „Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum“ statt. Über das vielfältige Vortrags- und Workshop-Programm wurden internationale Projekte zur StadtGesundheit vorgestellt und gemeinsam diskutiert. In kurzen Interviews, stellen einige Fachgäste und Sprecher:innen ihre Projekte vor. Lernen Sie in dieser Podcast-Folge ein Projekt zum Thema Urban Health aus Nepal kennen. Diese Folge wurde in englischer Sprache aufgezeichnet.
Zu sehen sind Prof. Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam von der University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore unddie Moderatorin Frau Johanna Rolf von der HS Gesundheit, Bochum
Live von der Konferenz „Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum“, berichtet Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam aus Pakistan über seine Studie „The Vicious Circle of Homlessness and Urban Health“. Diese Folge wurde in englischer Sprache aufgezeichnet.
Zu sehen sind die Gäste Inger Heine-Fuster von der University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Javiera Mella von der University of Chile, Santiago de Chile und die Moderatorin Johanna Rolf von der HS Gesundheit, Bochum
Hören Sie in dieser Folge, wie sich das das praxisorientierte Projekt „Your look tells“: Young People`s Expression through Photography in Santiago, Chile gestaltet und welche interessanten Ergebnisse es hervorgebracht hat. Diese Folge wurde auf der internationalen Konferenz „Urban Health Transdisciplinary Forum“ in englischer Sprache aufgezeichnet.

Documentation & Results


Urban Health transdisciplinary Forum - Opening

Prof.in Dr. habil Heike Köckler, Hochschule für Gesundheit 

Urban Green 

Productive Green Infrastructure for post industrial urban regeneration

Dagmar Knappe, City of Dortmund

Urban Mental Health 

"Your look tells": young people's expression through photography in Santiago, Chile

Inger Heine-Fuster, Javiera Mella, Casa Enjambre Foundation Biologist, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

Fair Opportunities & Environmental Justice

Long term air pollution and brain - results from Ruhr area observational studies

Dr.in Katherine Ogurtsova & Prof.in Dr.in med Barbara Hoffmann, Environmantal Epidemiology Group, Institute of occupational, social ad environmental Medicine, Center for Health and Society, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany

Intersectoral municipal public health action plans – wrappingUp 10+ years of experiences

Dr. Thomas Claßen, Dr.in Odile C. L. Mekel & Dr. Raphael Sieber, Division Healthy Settings, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Bochum, Germany

Climate Adaptation 

Future-oriented planning for climate resilient urban health care service.

Dr.in Wiriya Puntub, Institute of  spatial planning, Faculty spatial planning, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany

Note: Presentation slides only available on private request. Please send requests directly to Wiriya Puntub.

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The place standard tool: German adaptation and piloting in the Ruhr area city of Bochum

Monika Mensing, Dr.in Odile C. L. Mekel, Division Healthy Settings, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Bochum, Germany

Michael Sprünken, City of Bochum, Germany


The vicious circle of homelessness and urban health – a studyof homeless people in Lahore, Pakistan

Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam, Department of product and industrial design, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan


Sophie Schuller

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Projekt BASTI · Basisstudium Gesundheitswissenschaften

DPHT · Department für Pflege-, Hebammen- und Therapiewissenschaften | DGW · Department für Gesundheitswissenschaften

Etage 3, Raum 3406

Tel. +49 234 77727-741
Fax +49 234 77727-941

sophie.schullerhs-gesundheit "«@&.de


  • Welcome
    • AudimaxWelcome09:00 am


      09:00 am

      Moderation: Prof.in Dr.in Heike Köckler, Hochschule für Gesundheit

      from 08:30 am: Registration

      09:00 am: Welcome (Audimax)


  • 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
    • Session 1.1 | Conferenceroom 2/C-1307Urban green10:00 am - 12:00 pm
      Session 1.1 | Conferenceroom 2/C-1307

      Urban green

      10:00 am - 12:00 pm

      Title: Urban green/Stadtgrün

      Moderation: Aline Krumreihn, Hochschule für Gesundheit


      1st Contribution

      Association between neigbourhood greenness and BMI – results from the Heinz Nixdorf recall study

      Speaker: Ellen Hillal

      Institution: Doctoral student in medical sciences, Faculty of Medicine,

      Duisburg Essen University and researcher at the

      Institute for Urban Public Health, Essen, Germany

      Click here for the abstract 


      2nd Contribution

      Assessment of cultural ecosystem services in the Ruhr area for health oriented urban green space planning

      Speaker: Christin Busch, Eva Rademacher

      Institution for regional and urban development research

      GmbH, Dortmund, Germany

      Click here for the abstract

      3rd Contribution 

      Practical Impulse 

      Speaker: Dagmar Kappe

      City of Dortmund

    • Session 1.2 | Conferenceroom 1/C-1304Urban mental health10:00 am - 12:00 pm
      Session 1.2 | Conferenceroom 1/C-1304

      Urban mental health

      10:00 am - 12:00 pm

      Title: Urban mental health/Psychische Gesundheit in der Stadt 

      Moderation: Leonie Wieners, Hochschule für Gesundheit 


      1st Contribution

      "Your look tells": young people's expression through photography in Santiago, Chile

      Speaker: Inger Heine-Fuster, Javiera Mella

      Casa Enjambre Foundation Biologist, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile

      Click here for the abstract 

      2nd Contribution

      Urban Mental Health: Improving mental health in the city of Bochum -
      A pilot study in Bochum Wattenscheid-Mitte

      Speaker: Dr.in Babett Voigt

      Mental Health Research and Treatment Center at Ruhr University Bochum, Faculty of Psychology, Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology

      Click here for the abstract

    • Session 1.3 | Lecture Hall 1/C-1401Fair opportunities & environmental justice10:00 am - 12:00 pm
      Session 1.3 | Lecture Hall 1/C-1401

      Fair opportunities & environmental justice

      10:00 am - 12:00 pm

      Title: Fair opportunities & environmental justice/Chancengerechtigkeit und umweltbezogene Gerechtigkeit

      Moderation: Prof.in Dr.in Heike Köckler 


      1st Contribution

      Intersectoral municipal public health action plans wrappingUp 10+ years of experiences

      Speaker: Dr. Thomas Claßen, Dr.in Odile C. L. Mekel & Dr. Raphael Sieber

      Division Healthy Settings, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Bochum, Germany

      Click here for the abstract 

      2nd Contribution

      Long term air pollution and brain - results from Ruhr area observational studies

      Speaker: Dr.in Katherine Ogurtsova & Prof.in Dr.in med Barbara Hoffmann

      Environmantal Epidemiology Group, Institute of occupational, social ad environmental Medicine, Center for Health and Society, Medical Faculty and University Hospital Düsseldorf, Germany

      Click here for the abstract 

  • 1:00 - 3:00 pm
    • Session 2.1 | Conferenceroom 2/C-1307Climate adaptation1:00 - 3:00 pm
      Session 2.1 | Conferenceroom 2/C-1307

      Climate adaptation

      1:00 - 3:00 pm

      Title: Climate adaptation/Klimaanpassung 

      Moderation: Andrea Rüdiger, TU Dortmund University 

      1st Contribution

      Future-oriented planning for climate resilient urban health care service.

      Speaker: Dr.in Wiriya Puntub

      Institute of  spatial planning, Faculty spatial planning, Technical University Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany

      Click here for the abstract


      2nd Contribution

      The status quo of heat health action planning

      Sepaker: Dr. Thomas Claßen, Dr.in Odile C. L. Mekel, Dr. Raphael Sieber

      Division Healthy Settings, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Bochum, Germany

      Click here for the abstracts

    • Session 2.2 | Conferenceroom 1/C-1304Homelessness1:00 - 3:00 pm
      Session 2.2 | Conferenceroom 1/C-1304


      1:00 - 3:00 pm

      Title: Homelessness/Wohnungslosigkeit 

      Moderation: Kardo Kaldewey, Ruhr Universität Bochum

      1st Contribution

      The vicious circle of homelessness and urban health a studyof homeless people in Lahore, Pakistan

      Speaker: Dr. Atif Bilal Aslam

      Department of product and industrial design, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan

      Click here for the abstract

      2nd Contribution

      Reports from the field

      Speaker:Michael Doering

    • Session 2.3 | Lecture hall 1/C-1401Monitoring1:00 - 3:00 pm
      Session 2.3 | Lecture hall 1/C-1401


      1:00 - 3:00 pm

      Title: Monitoring

      Moderation: Patricia Tollmann, Hochschule für Gesundheit

      1st Contribution

      Supporting data driven decision of municipality case of mapping rooftop farming using geospatial technology

      Speaker: Dr.in Rehana Shrestha1, Narayan Thapa2, 3Reshma Shrestha

      1Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research, University of Bremen, Germany
      2International Centre for Integrated Mountain Research, Nepal
      3Department of Geomatics Engineering, Kathmandu University, Nepal

      Click here for the abstract

      2nd Contribution

      The place standard tool: German adaptation and piloting in the Ruhr area city of Bochum

      Speaker: Monika Mensing, Dr.in Odile C. L. Mekel, Michael Sprünken

      Division Healthy Settings, NRW Centre for Health (LZG.NRW), Bochum, Germany
      City of Bochum, Germany

      Click here for the abstract

      3rd Contribution

      Integrated Urban Health Monitoring: Supporting implementation of Health in All Policies in Bremen for healthy and sustainable urban development

      Speaker: Julita Skodra

      Research Cluster “Healthy City Bremen”, Institute of Public Health and Nursing Research (IPP), Faculty 11 Human and Health Sciences, University of Bremen

      Click here for the abstract 



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